1. The board should ensure that the company arranges for the notice of the shareholders’ meeting and related papers to be sent to shareholders and posted on the company’s website at least 14 days before the meeting and ensure that the notice of the shareholders’ meeting is accurate, complete, and sufficiently in advance for the Shareholders to exercise their rights.
  2. Minority shareholders are allowed to propose agenda items for shareholders’ meetings. The board should consider shareholders’ proposals to be included in the agenda, and if the board rejects a proposal, the reasons should be given at the meeting.
  3. Minority shareholders are allowed to nominate persons to serve as directors of the Company.
  4. Shareholders are allowed to submit questions prior to the meeting. The board will therefore ensure that there are clear criteria for shareholders to submit questions and the criteria should be posted on the Company’s website.
  5. The board will ensure that there are no any action which limit the opportunity to attend the meeting or creates an unduly burden on shareholders and the date, time, and place of the meeting will be set by considering the interests of shareholders.
  6. The chairman of the board, who is the chairman of the shareholders’ meeting, is not only responsible for ensuring that the meeting is in accordance with the law, related rules and the Company's Articles of Association. But also for ensuring that the time for each meeting agendas are allocated appropriately and providing opportunities for shareholders to express their opinions and ask questions on matters related to the Company.
  7. To ensure the right of shareholders to participate in the Company’s decision-making process in relation to significant corporate matters, Directors, as attendees and as shareholders, may not support unnecessarily adding agenda items, especially important agenda that shareholders need time to study before making a decision, that have not been notified in advance.
  8. All directors and relevant executives should attend the meeting to answer questions from shareholders.
  9. The board will promote the use of ballots for voting on resolutions proposed at the shareholders’ meeting and designate an independent party to count or to audit the voting results for each resolution in the meeting, and to disclose such voting results at the meeting by identifying the number of “for”, “against” and “abstain” votes. The voting results for each proposed resolution should be included in the minutes of the meeting.
  10. The board will ensure accuracy, timely and completely of the preparation and disclosure of shareholders’ meetings resolutions.