Pinthong industrial park public company limited (the company) has the policy of dividend payout at the rate of not less than 50% of its net profit after the deduction of corporate income tax and legal reserves another reserves (if any) according to the separate finance statement whereas no retained deficits for shareholders equity. However, such dividend payout may be changed subject to operating results, financial positions, liquidity, business expansion, necessity to use the working capital in business operations, investment plan and business expansion plan in the future, market conditions, appropriateness and the other factors relating to operations and management of the company, provide that the company must have sufficient cash for business operation and such dividend payout shall not significantly affect to the company’s normal operation and such operation will cause the highest benefits to shareholders ask deemed appropriate by the board of director and/or shareholders of the company.

The resolutions for dividends payout approval must be proposed for an approval at the shareholder’s meeting, unless it is an interim dividend payout where the Board is authorized to approve, and such dividend payment shall be reported to the shareholders at the next meeting of shareholders.

Payment of dividends shall be made within 1 month ask from the date of resolution of the meeting of shareholders or off the meeting of the board of directors, the case maybe, Following the company’s Article of Associations

The Company made dividend payment for the Year 2021 at the rate of THB 0.20 per share for the total payment amount of THB 174.00 million. The meeting of the Board of Directors no. 5/2021 which was held on 16 August 2021 approved an interim dividend payment from the Company’s accumulated earnings which was made on 15 September 2021 at the rate of THB 1.85 per share for the total payment amount of THB 1,609.50 million.

In 2020, the Company made the annual dividend payment at the rate of THB 0.12 per share for the total payment amount of THB 104.40 million.

In 2019, the Company made the annual dividend payment at the rate of THB 0.13 per share for the total payment amount of THB 113.10 million.

In 2018, the Company made the annual dividend payment at the rate of THB 0.052 per share for the total payment amount of THB 45.24 million.

Note that past dividend payment is not an indicator of any future dividend payment.

X-Date Payment Date Dividend Paid
Dividend Type Unit Peration Period
08/05/2024 24/05/2024 0.59 Cash Dividend Baht 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2023
09/05/2023 25/05/2023 0.15 Cash Dividend Baht 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2022
10/05/2022 26/05/2022 0.15 Cash Dividend Baht 01/01/2021 - 31/12/2021